Please Wait, a Hostess Will Convert You

Picture this with me: You are your loved ones decide to check out that cool new restaurant everyone has been talking about. You all get prettied up and drive there. Everyone is excited because you’ve heard only good things about this place. When you open the front door you see a lot of people sitting at tables and at the bar. The chatter and buzz in the room is intoxicating.

Once your crowd has gotten inside the door you stand there. Awkwardly.

You look around but there is no host or hostess or even a sign telling you what to do.

Should you seat yourself? Should you wait for a host or hostess? Is it reservation only?

So you stand there. And stand there. And stand there.

Everyone at the restaurant starts to look at you.

After a few minutes, someone in your crowd says to just sit down at that empty table over there. Another says to just leave.

You get mad and leave, vowing never to return.

That is exactly how people feel when they come to your website and don’t have a clear direction where to go.

Show your prospects the path you want them to take and get out of their way.

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